Our development team researched hundreds of current chamber of commerce websites, and what we found was almost beyond belief; Grossly-outdated designs, completely un-optimized coding, generic template sites with no individuality at all, and functionality that is straight out of the late 90’s.  At Chamber CMS, we build fully-customized websites that are easy to manage, aesthetically impressive and coded in a way that ensures better visibility and higher page rank.

Websites Customized Around Your Chamber’s Needs

Cookie-cutter and template websites leave very little to the imagination in terms of distinction and chamber-specific content appeal.  With Chamber CMS, each site is uniquely tailored around your chamber, the surrounding community, its members and any other criteria of key importance.  The options are limitless and we work closely with you to ensure nothing goes overlooked.

Visually Stunning Responsive Designs

From the eyes of prospective new members, it’s hard to get excited about joining a chamber that was developed during the internet’s infancy.  The websites we develop at Chamber CMS are strategically designed to engage and entice both current and new members, while never overlooking the back-end meta and SEO coding that helps them rank high in the search engines.

Expertly Coded for SEO and Strong Visibility

A poorly coded website, which sadly includes some of today’s most popular chamber of commerce template sites, will never rank as high as one that’s been coded specifically for search engine indexing.  Our fully-customized websites are designed to not only look amazing, but to ensure that Google, Bing and other major search engines have no problem finding and ranking them.

Unmatched Online Security & Privacy

As frightening as it may be, a 12-year old with a laptop and basic hacking skills could probably crack your website’s admin in under a few minutes. Chamber CMS fully understands the damage this could do, and we’ve responded by creating a system that utilizes the strongest security possible. In addition to full control over chamber and member privacy settings, you can add and manage admins effortlessly while enjoying full control over your content.

Questions about what makes our custom chamber of commerce websites superior to templates and outdated technology?  Get in touch with Chamber CMS today at 585-981-8463 or write to us through our secure contact page.

To learn more about how Chamber CMS can completely change the way you manage and grow your Chamber of Commerce, get in touch or request a demo by calling 585-981-8463. Or write to us though our site’s secure contact page.

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